New Tag (Control-Command-N)Ĭreate a new tag in Tags, Flagged, or in a custom perspective that groups by individual actions. New Single-Action ListĬreate a new list for keeping track of individual actions that don’t fit into projects. New FolderĬreate a new folder for organizing projects.
New Project (Shift-Command-N)Ĭreate a new project in Projects or in a custom perspective that groups by entire project. New Action (Command-N)Ĭreate a new action in the currently selected project, or create a new item in the inbox. Add new items or Quick Open others importing, exporting, archiving, and restoring your database also happen here. The File menu contains commands related to OmniFocus on a database level. Stop using OmniFocus and put it away for now. Temporarily hide windows of all other applications so you can concentrate on OmniFocus. Temporarily hide all of OmniFocus’s windows. ServicesĪccess system-wide macOS services offered by other applications.
Open a sheet with information about features included in the Pro version of OmniFocus. If you’re running a trial version of OmniFocus, these commands switch between the Pro and Standard versions of the app so you can compare features.
Open the Licenses window, where you can add OmniFocus licenses you’ve bought, or check your existing licenses. Open the OmniFocus Preferences window, where you can customize how the application works for you. (The Mac App Store version of OmniFocus delivers updates through the App Store.) Preferences (Command-,)
You can also set up automatic checking in Update preferences. See if there is a new version of OmniFocus available to download. If you downloaded OmniFocus from the App Store, this opens an in-app purchase page where you can choose to buy Standard or Pro. If you downloaded OmniFocus from the Omni Group website, this opens a link to the Omni store where you can purchase OmniFocus if you haven’t yet. This is good for checking exactly which version you’re using. Open a window with details about your copy of OmniFocus. Check for updates, view and modify your preferences, and enter new license information here. The OmniFocus menu holds commands related specifically to the administration of the OmniFocus application itself. This appendix explains the function of each of the items found in OmniFocus’s drop-down menus, and lists default keyboard shortcuts for them where they exist. Appendix A Menus Commands and Keyboard Shortcuts